"Political oppression, retaliation, condemnation" 1511 middle and high school students announced the resignation of President Yoon Seok-yeol (full text)

[ K trendy NEWS Reporter Jun-sik Park ] 1511 middle and high school students announced the 'Secondary High School State Declaration Demanding the Resignation of Yoon Seok-yeol' and it is spreading rapidly on social media. According to OhmyNews, 1,511 middle and high school students issued a state-of-the-art declaration containing the content, "We condemn the undemocratic behavior of the Yun Seok-yeol regime, which wields the blade of political repression and retaliation even for middle and high school students." 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com) The Candlelight Middle and High School Citizens' Solidarity, which is preparing for the 'Candlelight Vigil for Yoon Seok-yeol's resignation', and the National Junior High and High School Representatives and Student Councils announced on the 3rd the 'Middle and High School State Declaration to Demand the Resignation of Yoon Seok-yeol' . OhmyNews reported that it was the first time that a group protested against the 'Yunseok Train' cartoon drawn by high school students and the controversy over the suppression of candlelight vigils among middle and high school students. On the 3rd, the Candlelight Middle and High School Citizens’ Solidarity (below middle and high school students’ solidarity), which is preparing for a ‘candlelight vigil for Yoon Seok-yeol’s resignation’, said, “Is it only political satire allowed by the Yun regime?” That's right, 1,511 middle and high school students across the country announced their intention to participate in the 'Secondary and High School State Declaration to demand the resignation of Yoon Seok-yeol'. The declaration was released online in advance to celebrate Student's Day ahead of a press conference for the official declaration of state on the 6th. In their declaration of state state, they said, "Our middle and high school students are clearly citizens of the Republic of Korea. However, within five months of the Yun Seok-yeol regime, our middle and high school students had to spend a difficult time groaning amid oppression and human rights violations while being thoroughly denied their identity as a citizen." claimed that 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com)
He continued, "The Yun Seok-Yeol administration thinks that middle and high school students should not dare to enjoy the freedom of expression specified in the Constitution. In the 'Bucheon International Comics Festival High School Cartoon Division', a political satire contest for middle and high school students, he satirizes President Yoon Seok-Yeol. When a cartoon 'Yunseok Train' won the gold prize, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Yun Seok-yeol administration drew the sword of oppression against middle and high school students." The following is the full text of the declaration of the state of middle and high school students demanding the resignation of Seok-Yeol Yoon. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com) Secondary and high school students demanding the resignation of Seok-Yeol Yoon. The Republic of Korea is a democratic republic, all sovereignty of the Republic of Korea comes from the people, and our middle and high school students are clearly citizens of the Republic of Korea. However, five months after the Yun Seok-Yeol regime, our middle and high school students had to spend a hard time groaning amid oppression and human rights violations while being thoroughly denied their identity as a citizen. How does the Yun Seok-yeol administration treat our middle and high school students as beings? Secondary and high school students under the Yoon Seok-Yeol administration should not dare to enjoy the freedom of expression specified in the Constitution. When 'Yun Seok-Yeol', a cartoon satirizing President Yun Seok-Yeol, won a gold medal in the 'Bucheon International Comics Festival High School Cartoon Division', a political satire contest for middle and high school students, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism under the Yun Seok-Yeol administration was a sword of oppression against middle and high school students. took out The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism was not enough to threaten, stating that it would be a 'severe warning' for the content of the award. Considering that the original award area was a contest for political satire drawn by high school students, is the only political satire that the Yun Seok-Yeol administration 'permits' to middle and high school students only praises the Yun Seok-Yeol regime? If not, it is clear that the Yun Seok-Yeol administration regards our middle and high school students as irresistible puppets who must never dare to enjoy freedom of expression. However, unfortunately, our middle and high school students are not weak enough to spend years of obedience by living as mean puppets. is proving First, middle and high school students under the Yoon Seok-Yeol administration are immersed in extreme competitive education for entrance exams and are studying machines with no options other than school and home. The Yun Seok-Yeol administration did not only declare that it would revive the 'Japanese colonial test', a symbol of the extreme competitive entrance exam system that would rank all students in a row like a piece of meat. They are carrying out a 'preemptive strike' for middle and high school students who are nominated as ministers. Considering the previous Yun Seok Train incident, the 'ideal figure' of middle and high school students dreamed of by the Yun Seok-Yeol administration is a fool who never stops paying attention to the world, goes to school before sunrise, leaves school only after sunset, and knows nothing but Kook Young-soo. It can only be seen as being nurtured as a gentle sheep in a temporary system. But we middle and high school students adamantly refuse to become study machines. Isn't President Yoon Seok-Yeol showing what kind of adult he would become if he lived a life in which knowledge of the world was cut off without knowing anything but a state-owned officer? Our middle and high school students will raise the flag of determined resistance against the strengthening of the entrance exam competition system and for the dismantling of the entrance exam competition system. If we want to revive competitive education for entrance exams in the Lee Myung-bak era, we must also prepare for the return of the numerous school uniformed 'candlelight girls' that the Lee Myung-bak administration had to face. The official name of the candlelight vigil for the resignation of the Lee Myung-bak administration is not 'candlelight vigil against mad cow', but mad cow. We must not forget that it was a candlelight vigil against mad education. Secondary and high school students under the Yoon Seok-Yeol administration are first, undemocratic 'subjects' who must not take any action to speak out against the regime and live with even the freedom of assembly violated under the Constitution. Middle and high school students in this land clearly saw the blade of oppression against middle and high school students being wielded due to the Yunseok train controversy, and realized that even our lives would be ravaged by the resurrection of Japanese colonial rule. Accordingly, our middle and high school students decided to light candles in order to exercise the freedom of assembly, which is a fundamental right of the people, guaranteed by the Constitution, to condemn the blade of oppression against middle and high school students and the reckless behavior of abuse. But what did the Yun Seok-yeol administration do to our middle and high school students who decided to light the candles? The power of the people in the ruling party was mobilized from the chief spokesperson to the National Assembly member and the emergency response committee chairperson, pouring out personal attacks on the candlelight vigil for middle and high school students and accusations close to a curse. He even showed a naive appearance of spreading false news that said, 'If you attend a candlelight vigil for middle and high school students, they are tricking students by saying that they will give you volunteer hours.' The political repression of middle and high school students under the Yun Seok-yeol regime did not end there. The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family under the Yoon Seok-yeol administration and Mayor Oh Se-hoon's Seoul Metropolitan Government are threatening to collect the club activity subsidy paid to the middle and high school students if there are any middle and high school students who participated in the candlelight vigil. Although this is an illegal thing that can never be done legally, it is pushing the knife of the authorities into middle and high school students by setting up a plan to recover the subsidy, which is only 100,000 won a month or 1.5 2.5 million won in a year. It is self-evident that this regime's behavior is the 'second Yunseok Train Incident' in which the government suppressed the freedom of assembly of middle and high school students following the 'Yunseok Train Incident' in which the government suppressed the freedom of expression of middle and high school students. To the Yun Seok-Yeol administration, which promises to fight with middle and high school students by pouring out all of their breast milk, our middle and high school students will stand up to defend the flag of democracy without succumbing. In the bloodline of our middle and high school students, there is a strong, throbbing spirit of struggle. From the March 1st Movement to the April 19 Revolution, the May 18th Uprising, and the Candlelight Revolution, our middle and high school students have always stood at the forefront and fought bloodily for the defense of democracy. And again, history is calling our middle and high school students. We oppose the Yun Seok-yeol regime that suppresses the freedom of expression for our middle and high school students, dreams of a restoration of competitive education for entrance exams, destroys democracy and wields the blade of oppression against middle and high school students. Today, on November 3, Student Day, which commemorates the spirit of resistance of the Gwangju Student Anti-Japanese Movement, we declare that we will catch the candle that has been left for a long time. We condemn the suppression of freedom of expression towards middle and high school students! I condemn the retro ambition of the extreme competitive entrance exam system! We condemn the undemocratic behavior of the Yun Seok-yeol regime, which wields the blade of political repression and retaliation up to middle and high school students! Long live democracy! 1,511 middle and high school students · 28 middle and high school student unions · 6 local government youth autonomous organizations, the Candlelight Middle and High School Citizens Solidarity · Middle and High School Association (National Secondary and High School Representatives, Student Association Council) · Park Geun-hye Resigned from the Retirement of Middle School and High School Candlelight Demonstration Representative Choi Jun-ho. November 3, 2022. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com)


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