"Itaewon disaster death toll rises to 156... 101 women and 55 men"

[ K trendy NEWS reporter Park Jun-sik ] The number of deaths related to the Halloween crushing accident in Itaewon on the 29th has risen to 156. The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency announced that there were additional deaths among the seriously injured in the crushing accident, raising the total number of deaths to 156 as of today. Of the 156 deaths, 55 were men and 101 were women. From today, the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency's investigation headquarters will hand over lost and found items such as memorabilia obtained at the site at the Wonhyo-ro multi-purpose indoor gymnasium to the bereaved family. In addition, we plan to operate a separate window to receive related information such as on-site sightings and videos. Earlier, the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters announced that 307 people were injured in the Itaewon accident as of 6 a.m. on the 1st. It is the same as the previous count (as of 11 pm on the 31st of last month). There were 155 deaths and 152 injuries. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com) Of the fatalities in the Itaewon accident, 100 were women and 55 were men. By age, 103 people were in their 20s, followed by 31 people in their 30s, 12 people in their 40s, 8 people in their 40s, and 1 in their 50s. By region, Seoul has the highest number of deaths with 63. It was followed by 38 people from Gyeonggi, 5 from Incheon and Daejeon, 4 from Chungnam, 3 from Jeonnam and Ulsan, 2 from Gwangju, and 1 from Daegu, Chungbuk, Jeonbuk, Gyeongbuk, Gyeongnam, and Jeju each. Of the deaths, 26 were foreigners. The countries of origin are: Iran, 5, China and Russia, 4 each, the United States and Japan, 2, and France, Australia, Norway, Austria, Vietnam, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Sri Lanka, respectively. Among the injured, 30 were seriously injured and 122 were lightly injured. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com)
Prime Minister Han Deok-soo said in a speech at the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters meeting held at the government complex in Seoul on the 1st, "The government is making sure that the bereaved families, the wounded, and the general public can receive psychological counseling and treatment, too. We will actively support it through the National Trauma Center and the Seoul Mental Health Welfare Center.” Prime Minister Han said, "Not only the bereaved families who were grieved by the unexpected accident, but also many citizens who were at the scene or heard the news through the news were shocked mentally," said Prime Minister Han. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com) Previously, experts and the Korean Neuropsychiatric Association also issued a statement on the 30th and said that the people who watched the disaster through news and SNS also experienced psychological trauma. · He urged us to stop distributing it, saying that it could lead to tertiary damage. In addition, he advised refraining from watching excessively repeated viewing of field videos or news, as it could adversely affect one's health. Experts urged ordinary citizens to refrain from distributing the video, saying that if you frequently watch the video of the accident, it can seriously harm your mental health. Thousands of people who witnessed the mass crushing tragedy in Itaewon, Seoul, are suffering from extreme mental stress. Witnesses are highly likely to experience 'trauma' after experiencing an event that is difficult to handle. Trauma is usually healed after a month or at most a year after the incident, but this general rule does not apply to large-scale national disasters. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com)


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