[Column] 'Hell', a cruel reality caused by distorted beliefs

[Media Republic = Trend of more than humanity] It seems that the more omnipotent humans become, the further away they are from omniscience. Human omnipotence leads to the desire to conquer death, blocking the path of omniscience, and heading towards a cruel ending in which the present becomes hell. 'Hell' reproduces the cruel tragedy caused by the distorted beliefs of humans who have become powerless in the face of foretold death. Director Yeon Sang-ho's Netflix original drama 'Hell' reminds us of the resentment towards 'heretics' and 'religion', which are repeated infinitely in recent movies and dramas, but rather is directed toward human belief. Man turns to a religion based on the immortality of the soul to dispel the fear of death. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com) However, the afterlife claimed by religion sometimes turns reality into hell. 'Hell' digs into the human belief that causes the pain of reality to become hell, and makes us aware of the foolish 'belief' of humans that creates heresies, the evils of religion rather than heresies. Tak Ji-il, a cult researcher who has written a number of books on religion and heresy, emphasized in his book 'The Heresy Wants to Know' that heresy is not an absolute evil that separates itself from religion and society. “It would be nice if there were no heresies,” he said. However, if there is a heresy, there must be a reason for its existence,” quoting Tertullian, the early church father, and carefully verifying whether he is criticizing the universal phenomenon that occurs in the church simply because of the premise and preconceived notion that it is a heresy. He mentioned the fact that he is trying not to make the mistake of blaming the religious problem with heresy. Heresy has many elements that make it difficult to accept its doctrines and cults when viewed from a distance. However, when a universally valid cognitive schema that meets social and ethical standards cannot bear the weight of life, the multitude falls into heresy beyond universality as if swept away by crowd psychology. An acquaintance in the past said about a close friend who lives in a community in a church that is classified as a cult, "I just need that friend to be happy. That's how I got it sorted, I said," he said, saying he had to admit that the comfort a friend receives at that church is greater than the church's problems. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com)
In 'Hell', Saejinrihoe was not properly equipped with any systematic 'ceremonies', which are important in religion, except for 'demonstration', which is broadcast in real time through broadcasting. There is no basis for judging Saejinrihoe in relation to Christianity. Jeong Jin-soo (Yoo Ah-in) mentions 'God' as an idea rather than a personified god of a particular religion, but does not even appear in regular religious ceremonies. It can be presumed to be a cult in the form of Christianity, in that Kim Jeong-chil (Lee Dong-hee), who was appointed as the second chairman, is a pastor, and that Yoo Ji (Ryu Gyeong-soo), the head of the action, who finds and supervises people who have been told to hell, is a priest. there is only 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com) Such a setting allows them to immerse themselves in the distorted beliefs of the multitude who surrender their daily lives to coercive control rather than the evil of Saejinrihoe as a heresy. The Saejinrihoe, centered on Kim Jeong-chil, is the only ritual to announce the sins of those who have been sent to hell as if they were publicly executed and to broadcast live demonstrations around the world. Nevertheless, the simple and clear approach presented to the path to hell, which is notified to an unspecified majority, has unique authority. Saejinrihoe defines the 'sin' and 'death' of those who are notified of 'sin due to deeds and the result of going to hell'. In this way, they justify their violent coercion by defining 'a person who has committed a crime for which a social consensus is possible' as the reason for becoming a notified person. By revealing the sins of those who have been informed, and ritualizing their inexplicable death as a public execution method, it stimulates and controls the fear and anxiety of the multitude of 'I can be myself'. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com)
Jeong Jin-soo, the first chairman who established the doctrine of the Saejinrihoe, could not explain why he was told to go to hell until the moment of his death. The doctrine he established could draw out the blind faith of many, but he alone did not belong to the faith until the end. He said to Min Hye-rin (Kim Hyun-joo), who pointed out this, “If there is no reason for such a bizarre thing to happen, can people survive? There will probably be great riots and panic attacks. There must be a reason. These bizarre things are happening to make the world a better place. There has to be a belief that it is happening to achieve justice,” he said. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com)


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