[Column] Bohemian Rhapsody shouting out human values, a queer festival

[Media Republic = Choi Jeong-cheol Miscellaneous Learning] One day in 1973, somewhere in England, the master of pop music representing the 20th century was listening to the song of a bold kid who came to visit him. The kid was Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of the newly debuted group Queen, and the price to listen to his song was John Lennon of the Beatles, who broke up and broke up in popular culture around the world in the 1960s. Freddie Mercury has long wanted to meet the legend and idol John Lennon and have his music evaluated. After several rejections, Freddie Mercury finally gets the chance to sing in front of him. At that time, the song he sang with all his heart was . But after listening to all the songs, John Lennon only gave a rebuttal saying, “Is that a song too?” 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com) Why did John Lennon reject this song, which was recorded on Queen's fourth studio album in 1975 by desperate Freddie Mercury and became a world-famous song? It's because of the lyrics of the song. A song about a boy who is persecuted after he confesses that he is gay. It was because he could be branded as a homosexual if he even sympathized with the song. In the song, the boy laments the miserable reality he is facing and tells his mother that 'Mama, just killed a man'. It's not about Oedipus complex, it's about getting rid of your 'masculinity'. The boy is in great pain by confessing his gender 'identity' as a homosexual. People imprison the boy, sentence him to death, and drive him to Fandango or Scaramouche. How can Italian Piero Scaramouche perform the Spanish folk dance Fandango? It's sarcasm for doing stupid things. The boy cries out their names as he trembles at the terrifying thunder and lightning struck by social notions. Galileo and Figaro. Galileo Galileo, who cultivated the flower garden of European Renaissance culture in the 17th century, insisted on his heliocentric theory despite all kinds of pressure from the church. Galileo adhered to the earth's 'identity' that the earth rotates, and the boy called him as if he was vomiting blood to share the 'identity adherence' communion with Galileo. In the opera , the boy also finds Figaro, a man who almost married his biological mother, Marcellina. It is a passage where Freddie Mercury's outstanding literary power stands out, and through Figaro, it is reminiscent of 'Killed a man' of his son for marriage to her biological mother. Here, you should not miss the metaphor of Cherubino, the father-in-law who dazzles noble wives. The role of Cherubino is traditionally performed by a mezzo-soprano in male disguise. Therefore, cherubinos tend to have an ambiguous gender identity. The boy had to find Figaro, the protagonist of the opera , which contains a complex image of 'a man who has to kill a man' and 'a woman with a confused gender identity'. The boy was soon Freddie Mercury, and the gay man came out with this song. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com) Sappho, a female poet in the 7th century BC, passed down numerous poems to future generations, including many poems about love with a female disciple. The name lesbian was derived from Lesbos, the island where Sappho was born. The Greek male god Apollo also had an affair with many men. As such, homosexual culture enjoyed a daily status in ancient Western society, but began to be rejected when oppressed Christianity was formalized by the Edict of Milan in 313 AD. Homosexuality culture, which had to undergo severe repression during the Dark Ages of the Middle Ages when Christianity was dominated, was prevalent in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to the progressively changed social atmosphere after the completion of the Industrial Revolution at the end of the 19th century. it was only At the end of World War II and the beginning of the post-industrial society, homosexuality culture reached its peak. In 1953, President Eisenhower's executive order outlawed homosexuality in the United States. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com)
Now, LGBTQ people had to wander through remote bars to find their own world. Among them, there was a bar called Stonewall, where New York police raided and arrested violently protesting homosexuals. But it turned out to be the reverse of the same-sex culture. From June 28, 1969, the day of the Stonewall Incident, to June 28, 1970, a year later, the 'Pride Parade' from Christopher Street to Central Park, New York, was held to commemorate the 'Stonewall riots'. did It was an event that meant that LGBT people marched with pride about their homosexuality. As the event progressed peacefully, the police did not crack down on it, and the citizens of the year were very friendly. The Pride Parade, which was successfully completed, soon became a mythical milestone for LGBT people around the world, and since then, it has been actively developed as a queer festival in various parts of the world to this day. It was a revival of the homosexual culture that had been suffocating. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com) The festival is usually held in June, during the Stonewall Uprising, but in some countries the timing is different. In Norway, it is held at any time of the year. Of course, it is receiving enthusiastic responses from local residents and tourists every time. A week ago in Berlin, Germany, a whopping 65,000 people gathered at the Brandenburg Gate to enjoy their queer festival 'Christopher Street Day' despite the coronavirus pandemic. Most countries in Asia are not behind. In particular, Thailand hosts an international beauty pageant for transgender people twice a year. In Korea, too, with the 2000 Seoul Queer Festival as the starting point, the implementation schedules are different in major cities across the country, such as Jeonju, Gwangju, Incheon, Cheongju, Daegu, Busan, Jeju, etc. About a month ago, the Seoul Queer Festival was held online, and now the Jeju Queer Festival is being held on a weekend basis from early July to the end of August in line with strict quarantine standards. Korea's queer festivals are now expanding their genres to include films and plays, and the Queer Film Festival and Queer Theater Festival are the results. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com)
Korea's queer festival is still walking on a thorny path. Under the influence of Confucian culture, which has dominated Korean ideas for hundreds of years, the public is stingy, and above all, fierce opposition from Protestants follows. Last year and this year, there were no major disturbances as they were held non-face-to-face or with a minimum number of participants. The problem is that they indiscriminately imitate Western queer festivals. The Western queer festival is being presented from the cultural point of view of Westerners, but as a Korean, it is criticized by the public, who is naturally shocked by culture, for imitating the same-sex kisses and disgusting costumes that are only seen in Western queer festivals without filtering. So, when the coronavirus era subsides and a face-to-face event is held, it is necessary to improve the appearance of the festival, such as refraining from depicting sexual acts at the festival site or wearing disgusting makeup. In other words, rather than trying to get the public's attention with noise marketing, they should take a wise way to be encouraged by society by sounding their opinions. The Jeonju Queer Festival, which has been held in this way since 2018, can be a model. At the Queer Festival, we should read human values, human free will. Human identity, whatever its form, must be respected. Unless society collapses and people die, we have to admit that homosexuality is just another way for people to love people, and that's the diversity that advances society. Written by Choi Jeong-cheol | cultural columnist 출처 : K trendy NEWS(http://www.k-trendynews.com)


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