Team Story and MRT International signed a business agreement to build a permanent International Youth Robot Competition (IYRC) exhibition hall on Metaverse

[ K trendy NEWS Reporter Eun-hee Hong ] Team Story (CEO Oh Seon-gyu) signed a memorandum of understanding with MRT International (CEO Gil Wan-je) on October 20 to build a permanent IYRC exhibition hall on Metaverse. said to have been signed. In August, the two companies held the 11th International Youth Metaverse Robot Competition (IYMRC) on Team Story's metaverse platform, V Story, and over 2,000 people from 15 countries participated. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(
The 2022 International Youth Metaverse Robot Competition of the 11th Robot Convergence Festival held in August was held face-to-face and non-face-to-face at the Daejeon Convention Center and V-Story with the aim of nurturing global creative convergence talent in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. was conducted in parallel. The two companies decided to build a permanent robot exhibition hall to create a sustainable Metaverse business based on their experience of successfully leading competitions using Metaverse. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(
On the metaverse platform to be built in the future, anyone can view and communicate with the creators of the robot creations that won the contest. You can also learn robots by participating in classes set up by instructors. Not only domestic academies and instructors, but also overseas cooperative partners will enter the store to promote the brand. Wan-Je Gil, CEO of MRT International Co., Ltd., said, “Although we have held an international robot competition every year for over 10 years, it was very disappointing that it was only a one-time event. big,” he said. 출처 : K trendy NEWS(
Team Story Co., Ltd. is leading the fast-growing metaverse business as an official Korean partner for the metaverse platform VirBELA and Frame of eXp World Holdings, a Nasdaq-listed company. Team Story COO Choi Seong-won said, "Team Story will grow in line with the business of companies that want to hold international events in the metaverse without time and space limitations." 출처 : K trendy NEWS(


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